Innovative Programs. Personalized Support.
At Greensboro College, your education gives you much more than a great degree.
You’ll discover who you are meant to be by learning inside and outside of the classroom. Surrounded by committed professors, student-focused advisors, and helpful academic/career support staff, you’ll find encouragement all around you, every step of the way. To see the current and previous undergraduate and graduate academic course catalogs, visit the Academic Catalogs section of the website.
Explore Our Schools
Undergraduate Programs
- Accounting Major
- Accounting Minor
- Art Education Major
- Biblical Studies Minor
- Biology Major
- Biology Minor
- Biology-Allied Health in Radiologic Technology Major
- Birth Through Kindergarten Education Major
- Business Administration and Economics Major
- Business Administration and Economics Minor
- Business Administration in Organizational Leadership
- Business Analytics Minor
- Chemistry Major
- Chemistry Minor
- Child and Family Studies Minor
- Coaching Minor
- Communication Minor
- Costume Minor
- Creative Writing Minor
- Criminal Justice Major
- Criminal Justice Minor
- Dance Minor
- Data Science Major
- Data Science Minor
- Design/Technical Theatre Minor
- Education Minor
- Elementary Education Major
- English & Communication Studies Major
- English Education Major
- English Major
- English Minor
- Exercise and Sport Studies Major
- Exercise Science Minor
- Games & Interactive Media Minor
- Games and Interactive Media Major
- Health and Physical Education Major
- Health Science Major
- Health Sciences Minor
- History Education Major
- History Major
- History Minor
- History-Political Science Major
- History-Religion Major
- Human Development and Family Science (Interdisciplinary) Major
- Human Development and Family Science (interdisciplinary) Major
- Human Development and Family Science (Interdisciplinary) Major
- Human Factors Minor
- Humanities Minor
- Legal Administration Minor
- Mathematics Education Major
- Mathematics Major
- Mathematics Minor
- Middle Grades Language Arts Education Major
- Middle Grades Mathematics Education Major
- Middle Grades Science Education Major
- Middle Grades Social Studies Education Major
- Music Education Major
- Music Major
- Music Minor
- Musical Theatre Minor
- Painting and Drawing Major
- Philosophy and Ethics Minor
- Political Science Major
- Political Science Minor
- Psychology Major
- Psychology Minor
- Public Health Major
- Religion Major
- Religion Minor
- Sculpture Major
- Sociology Major
- Sociology Minor
- Sociology of Culture and Diversity Minor
- Sociology of Human Services Minor
- Spanish Minor
- Special Education (General and Adapted) Major
- Sports Communication Minor
- Studio Art Major
- Studio Art Minor
- Supply Chain Management Major
- Supply Chain Management Minor
- Theatre Major
- Theatre Minor
George Center for Honors Studies
Ambitious, high-achieving students can create an exciting, individualized program that will challenge them academically, intellectually, and personally.

Online Undergraduate Programs
- Business Administration in Organizational Leadership
- Criminal Justice
- Human Development and Family Science
- Psychology
Graduate Degrees
- Master of Arts in Religion, Theology and Culture
- Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Master of Education in Birth through Kindergarten Education
- Master of Education in Elementary Education
- Master of Education in Special Education General Curriculum or in Special Education Adapted Curriculum
Teacher Licensure
Certification Programs
- Advanced Certificate in Religious Studies
- Graduate Certificates in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Professional Development Programs and Certifications

Professional Development Programs
Non-degree programs for professional certification and advancement.
Student Success Resources
To truly bring out the best in each and every student, Greensboro College provides direct, one-on-one support through so many different channels.
- Academic Support/The PEAK
- Global Communication Center
- James Addison Jones Library
- Career & Personal Development
- Universal Design for Learning
- Student Achievement Report
Global Studies
Study abroad and Expand Your Horizons – Literally.
Are you considering a study abroad experience? We are absolutely thrilled for you!
At Greensboro College we believe that the study abroad experience adds immense value to your academic program. A study abroad experience is a great place for personal and academic growth. Greensboro College is excited to pursue opportunities to engage with other educational communities around the world. We have a diverse population of students and hope we can continue to celebrate each students’ uniqueness by incorporating individuals from other countries and cultures into our local classrooms.
Student Showcase Day
Student Showcase Day at Greensboro College is a special day when the campus community comes together to celebrate the many academic achievements and hard work of its students. It’s an opportunity for students to present and discuss their projects and what they have learned during each semester. The Fall 2024 Student Showcase Day schedule is posted in the link below.