Alumni Spotlight
Meet Some Proud Greensboro College Alumni
Greensboro College is proud to be alma mater to many exceptional alumni. From executives to stage performers to first-generation college students, Greensboro College provides our students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Read about some of our highlighted alumni below.

Cat W. Novakovich ’23
Theatre Major
UNC Greensboro Graduate Student
I am a first-generation student and found myself needing lots of individual support throughout my time in undergrad. Fortunately for me, Greensboro College truly values one-on-one contact between students and faculty/staff.
The genuine care and time taken in interactions allowed me to raise my grade point average, focus on my strengths, and be heavily involved extra-circularly.

Robert Dix ’23
Exercise and Sports Studies Major
Premium Partnerships Associate
with the Atlanta Braves
Coach and professor Jean Lojko believed in me and trusted me to do what I needed to do and gave me an opportunity to network with an NFL coach and really gave me the belief that I can make it in this industry.
Greensboro College taught me a lot about relationships and how to be a true professional.

Sylvester Allen Jr ’07
Music Major
Writer, Composer, Director, Actor
I remember how beautiful and close-knit the campus was to me. When I went into Odell, everyone knew my name. That never got lost on me; faculty were personally invested in me.
Faculty took chances on me….Shows like “Fiddler on the Roof”, “Secret Garden” really transformed what I thought I could do

Shannon Scales ’01
Sport / Exercise / Behavior Major
AVP, Truist Wealth Lending
What I remember most about Greensboro College is the close-knit relationships between both the students and faculty. Knowing what I know now, and learning what I’ve learned, to me, Greensboro College cared, and still cares, about people first.
Even today, I can name several instances where a Greensboro College connection has benefited me greatly. There are a host of friendships that I still hold today that began in Freshman year in West dorm.

Dr Patty Raube Keller ’98
Physical Education Major
Sport Administration Graduate Program Director, Boston College
Since I have left Greensboro College, I realize I was pushed to be independent [and] provided leadership opportunities that my peers from other colleges did not have.
I was provided a holistic experience in a supportive environment that let me make mistakes, and then supported me learning from them [as I] moved forward.
Greensboro College also taught me the value of being at a school that treated everyone like family which is one of my strengths I use today in my role at Boston College.

Morgan Montgomery ’21
Biology Major
State and Local Government Recruiter at TEKsystems
I am most thankful for Greensboro College because of the people I met and the memories I made there.
A faculty member that really helped me was Dr. Jessica Sharpe. She helped…throughout my senior year with academics. She was always pushing me to do my best and never gave up on me. If I was struggling on understanding content, we would sit down before or after class and break down content even further. Dr. Sharpe is a faculty member who wants to see her students succeed in school and in life.

Leah Holle ’14
Religion and Psychology Major
Young Adult Services Clinical Team Lead at BHcare
I would not be where I am today without the wealth of experiences I had at Greensboro College. Through opportunities and the space to engage in events like Relay for Life, study abroad, chapel band, and [the] Honors program, I developed a sense of who I am, and [a] direction for my future. They helped prepare me for graduate school and my career as a social worker
I came from Minnesota and knew no one; Greensboro College quickly became my home. If you want to receive an education that fully prepares you for whatever your next chapter in life may be, Greensboro College is the place to be.

Kush Hoxha ’03
Theatre Major
There are a lot of faculty members that helped me and I am grateful to all of them, but I would like to mention my theater professor, David Schram.
David was there for me on day one, coming from another country, my English language was not strong, but he accepted me in the theater department, encouraged me to keep going, motivated me by casting me in challenging roles, and was very patient with my development. I believe his dedication and encouragement inspired me to continue with my acting career to this day.
I am most thankful for Greensboro College because it made me understand how valuable kindness and generosity are. I came to the USA as a refugee from war-torn Kosovo, and Greensboro College made me feel like I belong again.

Dixie Fulk ’21
Biology Major
PA School Graduate Student
Greensboro College definitely fostered my confidence. It allowed me to go into PA school confidently – as a person and a student. The classes were challenging, but that’s what helped prepare me for continuing my education. The professors were always there to help.
The small class sizes definitely made me feel more confident in voicing my opinions as I continued my education. The smaller class sizes made being able to go to the professors with any questions a lot less daunting of a task. They knew us individually, and not just as a number which is not always a common experience in college.”

Olivia Davidson ’23
Business Administration and Economics/Accounting Major
Tax Advisor and Accountant
My most impactful mentor at Greensboro College was Professor Hasije Harris. She guided me through the job process and helped me pick a workplace where I would be most comfortable and excel at my best. She provided me with advice to go somewhere where I would not just be a number but be valuable as an employee.
“The small class sizes helped me build a better relationship with my professors and allowed me to have a better connection with them. Whenever I needed help, I was able to have one-on-one time with them.”

Joshua Fitzgerald ’19
Mathematics Major
Virginia Tech Graduate Student
Greensboro College has impacted my life tremendously. The institution took a risk: it offered me an undergraduate education when no one else would. [The college] showed me how to develop as a person and a scholar in virtuous and beneficial ways. I am tremendously in GC’s debt.
I was homeschooled and so my opportunities for social interaction were limited. When I came to GC, I was able to learn socialization skills in a welcoming environment.

Jonathan Hunter ’13
English & Communication Major
News Reporter for WMAR
[At Greensboro College], I learned how important it was to be involved on campus. I learned that learning extends beyond the classroom. I also learned that in order to grow, you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
I improved my writing and journalism skills. While I was a student, I was very involved with The Collegian, the student newspaper. This gave me the foundation I needed for grad school; I went on to study journalism at American University [and] I’ve had a successful career as a broadcast journalist.

Jeff Jackman ’15
Business Major
Growth and Development Director at Northwestern Mutual
Very few programs required an internship to graduate from the business school. Greensboro College did, which pushed me to get one; I interned at Northwestern Mutual and am now in my ninth year with the firm and I feel like, just that little push of having to get an internship, has put me in a position where at 29 years old, I could not have imagined being where I am at this young of an age.
Most everyone comes here for a sport like myself (golf), but the best piece of advice I received in picking a school was to pick the school that suits you best if you weren’t playing your sport. I had to pick between three places and Greensboro [College] was the easy pick, and it didn’t hurt we just won the 2011 National Championship! The city is growing and evolving in such a great way; I wish I was going into school at GC today with how much the city has grown up!

Erik Naglee ’04
Elementary Education Major
Principal, Page High School
Since I have left Greensboro College, I now understand…..the importance of the small college experience, as it definitely was the right fit for me. I remember most the family feel and everyone wanting the absolute best for you and your future.

Donald Watkins ’10
Theatre / Acting Major
[On what he remembers about Greensboro College] I remember long hours and lots of laughs! I had a tribe full of love that I still stay in touch with today. The hard work needed and instilled in me at Greensboro College prepared me for my career and life.

Brittany Eckard ’09
Biology and Psychology Majors
Humanities and Chemistry Minors
Quinnipiac University School of Law
I was a little hesitant to attend a small liberal arts college rather than a large state research institution like most of my peers from high school. Looking back, it was one of the best things I could have done because I would have gotten lost in the crowd of a large institution. Being at a small school like Greensboro College allowed me to get involved with numerous academic and extracurricular activities that, had I attended a larger institution, I would have had difficulty getting involved…
The smaller size of the College worked to my advantage because I could tailor my studies to areas directly related to my future plans, and because my professors knew me personally, they were able to better support me by recommending classes and opportunities that were directly related to my studies and future career.

Jordan McCray ’22
Business Administrator
and Economics Major
Financial Business Operations Specialist
Greensboro College helped to build my foundation and show me the path to take along with the tools and resources that could and would be useful in my journey. Career Development Director, Ms. Caryn Atwater, was of top-tier help.
Greensboro College has that small town feeling to it. The city that surrounds [campus] mixed with the community… felt like the best of both worlds.

Kenzie Woody ’19
Human Development and
Family Science Major
Academic Advisor
“Because of the smaller setting, I was able to be more successful rather than if I was at a bigger institution during my time. I was able to make close relationships with professors and other departments on campus which helped guide [me] on my academic journey and eventually getting me to the point I am at today.”
“My most impactful mentor was Jenna Avent [Director of Academic Administration]. [I] worked with her as a student work study all four years. I learned so much and she also encouraged me to look into higher education…With her help and guidance, I went to grad school and graduated with a 4.0 and now, I’m able to give the same mentorship to the students I work with that she gave me.”

Briana Thomas ’15
English & Communication Major
Journalist in Washington, DC
I remember working on The Collegian and all my friends who later became lifetime connections. Together, we would pick layouts, select images, and read stories students wrote, and [we would] edit them. That small club is not something you can get at a larger school.
What makes Greensboro College special is the smallness and community feel. When you go get your master’s at a large school, you will miss that small feel.

Ben Knuff ’21
Business Admin / Economics Major
Business Intelligence Consultant at the Lafayette Group
I remember most about Greensboro College…..
I played on the baseball team, so I have countless memories with my team and coaching staff, but also having the ability to get to know all my professors and classmates due to the smaller student population at GC, [which] was a great advantage and allowed me to form so many awesome relationships.
[The] smaller class sizes give you a great advantage in the classroom and building your professional network. At Greensboro College, students get the best of both worlds – small, personal class sizes and campus feel, but a big city to explore and do a variety of fun things.

Baxter Sobolewski ’21
History and Political Science Major
Humanities and Legal Admin Minor
Juris Doctorate Candidate at the Charleston School of Law
A huge benefit at Greensboro College was that I was able to ask for help from professors who knew my first name. They pushed me and were always ready to give advice, encourage, or just talk if I needed someone.

Ann Mahoney ’98
Theatre Major
Actor, Writer, Director
I chose Greensboro College because I could get on stage quickly. There is no substitute for being on stage in terms of applying what you are learning in the classroom. Theatre students here are very much challenged… If you can get through this, it’s going to apply in your everyday life.
I can honestly say, there was not a time that I did not feel I belonged here.

Ana Radalescu ’19
Theatre Direction Major
Theatre Director
[On first visiting campus] I remember being really intrigued, and thinking it was just really small, sort of like, this little other world within a larger city, and I was interested in how that functioned. [The campus] was just beautiful, really.
Greensboro College gave me space, in a really unique way, to mess up… They really gave me the space to figure out what this looks like for me. I was given a lot of freedom.

Allie Petrova ’03
Business Administration / Economics / Finance Major
Business and Tax Attorney
Greensboro College taught me the value of community and personal relationships. The professors and Main Building staff were welcoming and dedicated to supporting my interests and development. Campus involvement and leadership opportunities came up naturally. They simply were an intrinsic part of the Greensboro College experience.
The campus feels warm and friendly. People will know your name. You will know just about everyone on campus. If you show up and show interest, that interest will be mirrored back to you. If something is calling you… Greensboro College will find a way to help and support you.