Academic Support at Greensboro College
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Academic Support / The Peak

All students, at one time or another, need help with academic questions: What should I major in? How can I improve my study skills? Is a tutor available to help me in a class? What are my graduation requirements? How can I increase my grade point average? Our Academic Services team is ready to help students with all these questions, and many more.

About & Location

The home-base for Academic Services is The PEAK (Personal Enrichment and Knowledge), located on the third floor of the Main Building. Students can visit the PEAK to:

  • Talk to Academic Advisors
  • Participate in the Academic Success Program
  • Ask about accommodations for a disability
  • Schedule study time with a tutor 
  • Learn about improving academic skills, like time management and study strategies. 

We’re here to help each and every student improve their academic habits and maximize their potential. 

Academic Advising

An advisor is assigned to all students upon enrollment. Traditional first-year students are assigned to first-year advisors, a group of faculty and staff specially trained to help ease the transition between high school and college. Students are then assigned to a faculty advisor in their major disciplines, usually in the second semester. Students who change majors are reassigned to an advisor in the new major field.

Academic advisors help students with academic planning, scheduling classes, interpreting college policies and procedures, and tracking students’ progress toward graduation or program completion. Advisors are a precious resource for students.

Advising and Registration for Spring 2025 Classes 

Students must meet with advisors before registering to get their PINs for accessing registration in Empower and to plan Spring 2025 schedules.   

The advising/registration period for Spring 2025 classes is Monday, October 28 – Friday, November 22.  Within those 4 weeks, these activities will happen: 

  • First week, October 28-November 1:  Advising only 
  • Second week, November 4-8:  Advising continues; online registration in Empower opens on this staggered schedule: 
    • Monday, November 4:  Seniors and graduate students 
    • Tuesday, November 5:  Juniors 
    • Wednesday, November 6:  Sophomores 
    • Thursday, November 7:  Freshmen and all others  
  • Third and fourth weeks, November 11-22:  Advising and registration continue 

Make every effort to register as soon as possible during the advising/registration period!  Your chances of getting the classes you want and need are much better the sooner you register. 

PEAK Open Advising Sessions 

The PEAK will offer open advising sessions during the advising/registration period for Spring 2025 as an alternative to meeting with assigned advisors.   

Students may stop by the Gold Dining Room in Greensboro Hall 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on the dates listed below for an advising conference with a PEAK advisor.  Appointments are not necessary. 

  • Friday, November 8
  • Thursday, November 14
  • Friday, November 22

Students may stop by the PEAK on the 3rd floor of Main Building on the dates and times listed below for an advising conference with a PEAK advisor.  Appointments are not necessary. 

  • Monday, November 4, 9-11 a.m.
  • Wednesday, November 13, 2-4 p.m.
  • Monday, November 18, 9-11 a.m.

Students may also email for advising assistance.  An advisor will contact you. 

Students who attend an open advising session should always consult with their assigned advisors as well and communicate about plans.   

Questions about Academic Advising and Registration? 

Please contact the PEAK at or the Registrar’s Office at 

Academic Success Program 

Students in the Academic Success Program will be empowered to take ownership of their college journey, with clear guidance and resources to support them along the way. First-year students* who are admitted into the Academic Success Program are required to:

  • Meet weekly with the program director for their first year.
  • Enroll in Greensboro College Seminar.
  • Attend Academic Success Workshops.
  • Meet bi-weekly (at least) with faculty to discuss individual performance and academic progress.
  • Participate in tutoring and other academic enrichment activities, as deemed necessary by the director.

The Academic Success Program Director also serves as the academic advisor for all program participants, and will monitor their academic progress and stay in close contact with students’ professors.

*Transfer students may also enter the Academic Success Program. The program director and Office of Admissions will determine expectations for individual transfer students.

Take pride in your academics.

Students who are not in the Academic Success Program can meet with the director to discuss various academic success topics, such as time management, study habits/skills, note-taking techniques, and how to make the best use of your learning style.

Resources on a variety of academic success topics will be available in the PEAK lobby (3rd floor, Main Building). 

Questions about the Academic Success Program? 

Contact Tica Green at of Academic Accessibility

Peer Tutoring

The PEAK offers free tutoring to Greensboro College students across various courses. Students can connect with trained peer tutors to review material, prepare for exams, and improve their learning strategies. Our tutors provide a supportive environment where students can tackle challenging content, ask questions, and explore new approaches to mastering their coursework.

Contact Ms. Lisa Alley via email at for more information.

Office of Academic Accessibility 

The Office of Academic Accessibility at Greensboro College facilitates wellness and academic success for all students by providing the ongoing, comprehensive support they need to thrive. The office also advocates for students with disabilities and promotes awareness of disability issues campus-wide. 

A variety of services are available to students with documented learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, or other disabilities. Students are strongly encouraged to disclose this information to the Director of Academic Accessibility. Accommodations and services are tailored to the student and may include:

  • Extended time on tests.
  • Use of technological supports in the Blackwell Learning Lab.
  • Testing in an environment with reduced distractions.
  • Ability to record lectures.
  • Reader or scribe for tests.

The Office of Academic Accessibility arranges academic, residential, and dining service accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more detail on services, please consult the Academic Accessibility Resource Guide — Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat) Please note that Greensboro College requires documentation of your disability. Once the appropriate documentation is received, your request will be reviewed to determine eligibility for the requested accommodations.

Academic Accessibility FAQ

How do professors find out about my accommodations?

Before the beginning of each semester, students will be contacted by email from the Office of Academic Accessibility. The Office of Academic Accessibility will send students a copy of their Academic Accessibility Plan (AAP). Students are to deliver a copy of this Plan to their professors as soon as possible. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to meet with their professors to discuss how their specific accommodations will work for each class.

How does extended time work in college?

Providing classroom accommodations is a joint responsibility between professors and the OAA. Part of the discussion you will need to have with your professors will be about how extended time works in their classes (if this is one of your accommodations). Some professors have time and a place to accommodate you during a test and would prefer to make those arrangements themselves. Others may want you to make arrangements to test in the PEAK testing rooms. In either case, it will be essential for you to have these discussions or make arrangements well ahead (we recommend at least one week) of scheduled testing dates to ensure that things will go smoothly.

Do I need to have a new evaluation done? What do I do if my documentation is too old?

Not necessarily. Generally speaking, evaluations for learning disabilities and ADHD performed within the four years prior to enrolling at GC should be recent enough to provide an accurate picture of your current strengths and areas for growth and help us determine your eligibility for accommodations. More recent information may be needed to document mental health disabilities or other chronic health issues, which often change rapidly in the college-age population. Provisional accommodations may be offered to students whose documentation is outdated, provided they can document their use of accommodations previously.

Will my high school automatically send my IEP/504 plan or evaluations to disabilities resources? Will all of the accommodations I have now be approved at GC?

Many students assume that their high school’s special education or counseling departments will automatically send us their IEP/504 plans and evaluations if they get accommodations in their public high schools. Generally speaking, this is not the case – if there are documents you will need from your school, you will need to request that these be sent to us. 

Alternatively, they may give you the documents and expect you to submit them to us as needed. Many of the accommodations you are using now will likely be approved for use in the College setting; however, accommodations that change the course’s curriculum (e.g., modification of assignments) or that create an undue burden to the College will generally not be appropriate in the college setting.

When should I notify GC about my disability?

Students are encouraged to register with the Office of Academic Accessibility at any time after being admitted to the College– the sooner, the better. Documentation will not be processed until after students have been admitted. Above is a link to the Accommodations Request form. 

Further Questions about Academic Accessibility?

Contact Georgieann Bogdan at

Additional Students Support Resources

Joshua Fitzgerald photo

“I loved the GC Honors program and Greensboro College. I felt safe and a sense of genuine belonging at the college. I worked closely with my thesis advisor and professors who helped inspire me to define my path and passion of interest. That path has led me to my doctoral studies in Engineering Mechanics.”

- Joshua Fitzgerald, Class of ’19, Mathematics Major

Joshua currently studies astrodynamics at Virginia Tech University and is an Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. Candidate.